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March 2023

What Is Snus?

By Jacob 2 years ago No comments

So, what is Swedish snus? Pronounced "snoose," it is a form of smokeless tobacco, that originated in Sweden in the late 1800s. Unlike other tobacco products, like cigarettes, you use it by placing it under your upper lip, and, as a result, do not need to spit. It comes in two forms - loose snus (ground tobacco) or portion snus (ground tobacco packaged in sealed pouches), the latter being the most modern option. The world of snus is exciting, interesting, but most of all, vast with many different flavors, nicotine strengths, pouch sizes, and moisture levels to choose from, which we will come back to in more detail later on. In turn, after reading this article, you should have a better knowledge of the market variety and maybe even a few products to add to your rotation.

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The Different Snus Pouches

By Jacob 2 years ago No comments

When it comes down to buying snus, there are many questions you need to ask yourself. Which brand is best for me? Do I want an additional flavor or just a traditional tobacco-centric profile? But most importantly, what type of snus pouch do I want? This is the factor that affects the feel and delivery of the experience. Here are the different formats you can choose, explaining which is best for what and hopefully leaving you knowing which is the one for you.

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