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Can You Reuse Snus?

By Jacob 2 years ago No comments
Can You Reuse Snus?

Have you ever finished your snus and thought, could I use it again? If you want to find out, you’re at the right place. Here we talk about what other snusers do and factors that will affect your decision to do so. So the question is whether to reuse or not to reuse? We’ll let you decide based on what you read in this article.

Should You Reuse Snus?

Among the snus community, it is frowned upon to reuse snus, as it is branded as “gross” and “unhygienic”. However, this does not stop some snusers reusing, and it doesn’t have to stop you, but here at Snusdirect, we advise you to not reuse your portions because it is considered “a complete no-no”, due to reasons that are detailed below.

Why Do People Not Reuse Snus?

There are many reasons why the vast majority of users don’t reuse their snus, some of which are detailed and discussed below.


When you think about reusing snus, it doesn't sound like the most hygienic thing to do, does it? Placing your used snus in the catch lid of your can, so you can reuse it, allows time for bacteria and microbes to grow. This is because a warm and moist environment offers the perfect conditions for germs to grow, meaning when you place that portion back under your lip, you put bacteria into your mouth. So, the next time you reuse snus, just bear this in mind. Would you voluntarily put germs in your mouth? Hopefully not!


As well as being unhygienic, a used portion offers a very underwhelming experience, but why? Well, on the first use, your saliva hydrates the pouch and runs through the contents, extracting the nicotine and flavor so it can be absorbed. Also, only so much nicotine and flavor are held in each snus, which is why they last from 20 to 60 minutes. So, with this in mind, when you place a used pouch under your lip, there won’t be very much flavor and nicotine left for you to enjoy, resulting in a tasteless experience that is very disappointing.

Why Do Some People Reuse Snus?

You may think after reading what was mentioned above, why reuse snus? To answer that question, below are some reasons why users may feel inclined to reuse their pouches.


Different products last for different amounts of time. For example, a white snus pouch will last longer than a normal moist portion because the dryer the snus, the longer it lasts. Therefore, if you buy a dry product and only use it for 15 minutes, you may feel inclined to use it again to ensure you get the most out of your product.


If you use a lot of snus, this can be quite an expensive hobby to fuel. This being said, if you are struggling with money, but don’t want to sacrifice the full-lip experience, then reusing snus may have to be done.

Use Snus Quickly

Another reason why snusers may reuse is that they go through their can far too quickly. Some users have a pouch under their lip for 12 hours of the day, meaning a lot of portions are needed. So, if someone feels this way and likes to be using it all day, reusing may seem appealing.

Strong and Affordable Snus

If you are someone who does reuse their snus for the reasons mentioned above, this may be your sign to stop. To tackle this issue, buying snus that is not only affordable but strong too may help you, like Oden Snus. Why? If you reuse snus to try and cut costs, a cheaper portion may allow you to enjoy a fresher and cleaner experience each time. Moreover, if you reuse because you run out quickly, try a potent pouch to ensure you are satisfied with one or two portions instead of the whole can. Below are some products that fit into this category.

  • Oden’s Cold Extreme Portion - This product contains 22 mg/g of nicotine, so it packs a punch and has a sweet and refreshing spearmint flavor at an affordable price.
  • Lundgrens Skåne Strong White - This snus contains 15 mg/g of nicotine, with an earthy flavor embellished with hints of wild berry at a very good price.

So with this list of snus products above, you have what you need to stop reusing your portions or reuse less - it’s not the done thing!

Posted in: Guides