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The Different Snus Pouches

By Jacob 2 years ago No comments
The Different Snus Pouches

When it comes down to buying snus, there are many questions you need to ask yourself. Which brand is best for me? Do I want an additional flavor or just a traditional tobacco-centric profile? But most importantly, what type of snus pouch do I want? This is the factor that affects the feel and delivery of the experience. Here are the different formats you can choose, explaining which is best for what and hopefully leaving you knowing which is the one for you.

What Is Snus?

If you haven't heard of Swedish snus before, you may be thinking what is snus? It is a tobacco product created from different blends of shredded tobacco leaves, and comes either loose or in portions. It can have added flavors, like bergamot, for example, and each product has a range in nicotine content to suit different types of users. Snus is used by placing it under your top lip and usually lasts 30 to 60 minutes, depending on the product you purchase.

What Are The Different Types Of Snus Pouches?

When it comes to snus, there is variation. One of which is the format. Below are the different ones you can expect to see and probably recognize, with a brief description of each, to help you understand the difference, making your next purchase less of a surprise.

  • Original Portion - It's dark in color and is pre-portioned in small pouches.
  • White Portion - These are usually dryer than the originals, which is why they last longer. They are also whiter in color because the tobacco is bleached, meaning they are less likely to cause teeth discoloration.
  • Loose - Snus at its purest form, this is ground tobacco that can differ in the grind and requires the user to form their portion.

With the options above, you can see how the product has developed to be more user-friendly, making it much more accessible and cleaner. With descriptions of each, many users are switching to the white format due to its longevity and lack of adverse effects, like mudslides and teeth discoloration, allowing you to make a more informed choice.

What Are The Different Snus Pouch Sizes?

Another influencing factor is the size of the portion. When only loose snus was available, the impact of size was never a problem as the user could use as much or as little as they wanted. Whereas now, with pre-portioned snus, you cannot alter the size, so picking the right-sized pouch is key.

  • Large/Original - It contains the most tobacco weighing around 1 gram.
  • Slim - Thinner than the original portions, it offers more of a private experience. However, due to the smaller surface area, nicotine and flavor are transferred less efficiently.
  • Super-Slim - Weighing around 0.5 grams, this product is super discreet.
  • Mini - The ultimate pouch for those wanting a portion to sit under the lip invisibly. With the lowest amount of tobacco, this product doesn't pack a punch but offers something different, valued by some users, privacy.

But why is the pouch size important? Depending on the portion size depends on the experience you will get. If you select a regular-sized plump portion, expect a more immersive feel and a full lip. Unlike the smaller mini pouches that hide under your top lip, providing more comfort, privacy, and in turn, freedom with your use. So, it all depends on the type of feel you want from your snus pouch.

What Is The Best Snus Pouch?

This can vary between snusers and depends on what kind of experience you want from your snus, as you will know if you have read this article. If you want a pouch full of flavor, the original is for you. However, if you are wanting something more discreet and cleaner then a mini white portion is what you need. Original pouches, like General Classic, are trendy in the market for those who like to keep it traditional. Also, white portions, like General Mint White, are growing in popularity as they last a little bit longer and do not cause teeth discoloration or bad breath. But ultimately, the choice is yours.

Posted in: Guides