Upcoming Snus Brands

In this article, the new brands coming to Snusdirect and the Snus market are discussed. Some of these include Chainsaw and Vårgårda, both offering exciting snus. Here you will discover information about each brand and the products on offer. You never know, one may take your fancy. In that case, whether you want to refresh your rotation or look at some of the new snus on the market, keep reading.
Why Should You Try New Snus?
Swedish Snus is a product made by many brands and comes in many different formats and flavors, creating huge diversity in the snus market. Moreover, more brands are created, and existing brands release new snus throughout the year. If you stick to your same snus, you’re missing out on all the different product ingenuity and creativity. So, why should you try new snus?
- It keeps your rotation exciting.
- You get to experience new snus innovations and technologies.
- You may find your new favorite snus.
- And experience different brands.
Products can lose their novelty if you overuse them. That’s why it’s important to keep up to date with the new snus available, so you can rotate and find new favorites, keeping things exciting.
New Snus Brands At Snusdirect You Should Try
As mentioned previously, there are always different snus and brands released, and here we highlight a few of those.
- Vårgårda Snus
- Chainsaw Snus
Both brands are different and provide experiences you will love. Below each brand is explained in detail with things you need to know about them. You are going to want to try them after reading this.
Modern Swedish Snus: Vårgårda Snus
Vårgårda Snus is a brand of snus released in early 2023. The brand is manufactured by Nordic Snus, a company founded in 1999 that values Nordic heritage and tradition. The company runs out of a state-of-the-art production facility in a historic mill in Vårgårda dating back to 1432. Using sustainable energy, it is there that they craft their modern take on the traditional Swedish product - snus.
Is Vårgårda Snus For You?
Vårgårda Snus comes in a modern white format in regular-sized plump portions. With many flavor profiles inspired by the Nordic countryside, including Vårgårda Blom and Vårgårda Bär, this brand offers elegant tasting experiences with an exquisite tobacco character. But why choose Vårgårda?
It has a premium tobacco blend.
Many tasting experiences for all preferences.
A white original-sized portion.
A modern take on Swedish Snus.
It's a snus brand that is the perfect stepping stone for traditional snusers wanting to keep it original with a more contemporary feel.
Hard Hitting Snus: Chainsaw Snus
Another brand you should be aware of is Chainsaw Snus, a Danish brand manufactured by V2 Tobacco, which produces another strong brand, Offroad Snus. Like Offroad, Chainsaw is a powerful product, perfect for the experienced user wanting that intense kick desired by so many.
Is Chainsaw Snus For You?
Similarly to Vårgårda, Chainsaw sports white portions to provide a longer-lasting and steadier release of nicotine and flavor. In terms of nicotine, each pouch contains 20 mg. So, if you’re new to this kind of product, it might not be the best. To match the intense nicotine content is the rigorous tasting experience of Chainsaw Cold Mint, pairing cooling minty tones with a vibrant tobacco character. But is this for you? It is if you like:
A robust and powerful experience.
A modern feel.
A cooling mint flavor profile.
If you’re an experienced user looking for a solid mint-tasting experience, you must try Chainsaw - it’s a no-brainer.
Must Try Snus If You Haven’t Before
Seeing as we’re talking about products to add to your rotation, it would be silly not to mention a few of the best products you should try if you haven’t already. Yes, some might not be new, but if you are a snuser and haven’t tried the snus listed below, please do.
- Göteborgs Rapé Gullbergs Kaj - A new snus from one of the oldest brands on the snus market. With botanical notes of juniper and lavender, this snus has a flavor profile for those who prefer a more natural flavor.
- Islay Whisky Portion - A beverage-inspired snus that is infused with a single malt whiskey, adding complexity and richness to the tasting experience.
Try the new take on snus and let your preferences evolve with the times, it's only going to elevate the joy you gain from snus.