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ZYN Black Cherry - Expert Review

By Chad Jones Aka Snubie 2 years ago No comments
ZYN Black Cherry - Expert Review

When it comes to nicotine pouches, Zyn is one of the flagship lines. Zyn comes in a variety of formats and locations. It’s popular in the US, but it’s also popular in Sweden. The Zyn series makes a slim, moist pouch that is similar to Lyft/Velo. They also make their more popular format, the mini dry format. The mini dry format is available in Sweden, but also available in the US. They have recently released a few new variants in their Zyn mini dry format: Black Cherry and Gold. In this review, we’re going to talk about Black Cherry.

Product Specifics:

Can Weight: 8 grams
Portion Format: Mini Dry Nicotine Pouches
Portion Count: 20 portions
Portion Weight: 0.4 grams each
Nicotine Content 2/4: 3mg/pouch (7.5mg/g)
Nicotine Content 4/4: 6mg/pouch (15mg/g)

In this review, I’ll be covering both products, as they’re basically the same thing other than the nicotine strength. When you open the can, you'll notice the black cherry pretty quickly. It is on the milder side. It's subtle, smooth, and lightly sweet. The pouches are the usual Zyn type, smaller in size, dry, and light in weight.

Once you put one under your lip, you'll notice a pretty enjoyable flavor. There is a nice, gentle taste of black cherry. It's fruity, subtle, and lightly sweet. Where they differ is the nicotine strength. The 2/4 one is quite light, feeling much below the regular level. The 4/4 one is also light, but feels to be somewhat close to the regular strength level. The flavor on these tends to last for about 30-40 minutes, on average.

Wrap-Up & Recommendation:

Black Cherry is not a common flavor. But, Swedish Match got it down pretty well with this one. The taste of black cherry is enjoyable, natural, and comes through pretty clearly. It’s not an in your face flavor, but is one that you’ll notice and enjoy the entire time you have a pouch in. If you enjoy Zyn, and like fruity flavors, this is one you’ll want to check out.

Snubie’s Opinion:

I usually like a moist pouch, but honestly, I found myself impressed with this one. As someone who blends products, I can tell you this, black cherry is a hard one to get right. I can tell some work went into this one because Swedish Match nailed the flavor. It think people who use and enjoy Zyn are going to really like this one.

Posted in: Expert Reviews