General Classic Loose

General Classic Loose
1 Can for:
1 Roll for: $41.90

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Availability: In Stock

Manufacturer: Swedish Match

Model: Loose

Weight / Net weight: 60.00 g / 42.00 g

Strength: 7.5 mg/g

General Classic Loose contains the tangy taste of bergamot and tea with notes of dried grass and fine leather combined with a flavorful tobacco with a peppery profile. This is the original flavor inspiration for all General products, and this unchallenged recipe is also beloved in every inch of the world, and once you have tried it you will understand why.

The nicotine content in this loose snus is 7.5 mg/g, which has been the standard level since the late 1800s and is a wonderful choice for the traditional snusare (snus user). The ground tobacco is easy to shape due to its moisture and this moisture also enables quick release of the potent flavor and the nicotine, so you can enjoy this delicious snus as soon as you place it under your lip.

General Classic Loose is the forefather of all General products, and the divine recipe is only known by a handful of people today. It was created in 1866 by Johan A Boman, and it took him four years to finally create what he considered to be the perfect snus.

Water 58 %
Nicotine 0.75 %
Salt 5 %

Declaration of content
Water, tobacco, humectant (E1520, E422), flavor enhancer (sodium chloride), acidity regulator (E500), aromas (including smoke aroma).

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