Knox Dark Portion

Original Portion
Knox Dark Portion
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Availability: Out of Stock

Manufacturer: Skruf snus

Model: Original Portion

Weight / Net weight: 39.00 g / 21.60 g

Strength: 8 mg/g

Mint is by far the most frequent flavouring agent used in snus and is the most frequently purchased flavour on our site. This makes the Knox Dark Portion truly stand out. The flavour profile is completely tobacco-centric and contains elements of smokiness and a rich, full-bodied tobacco taste. It has a clear freshness to it, as well, probably due to notes of bergamot.

The nicotine content is perfect for the novice, and so is the grind of this product. Easy to handbake, easy to keep in and delicious throughout – can things get any better? The flavour release is unusually long lasting for a loose snus and the high moisture level takes your snus experience right back to the traditional way of snusing. It feels like a true classic!

Skruf made their first appearance on the snus market back in 2001 and are now popular all over the world! Skruf felt the need for a budget snus brand with equal high quality as their premium snus brand, Skruf and came up with Knox – one of the most bestselling snus brands on our site!

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