Jason Goodman
July 14, 2021
Very Good
This stands near the top for me. I love these and can and do use them every day. They are comfortable. The taste is great. I wish they were wetter. I just want to suck the juice out of these. They aren't too sweet or minty. You can't go wrong by ordering these. Give them a try, you will like them.
February 29, 2020
If you like Skoal, you are going to love this
I picked up a can to test out in 2/4. This is a nice minty snu's that is not sweet. I hate sweet snu's. I got this in 2/4 and this will be a new go-to in 3/4 strength. Flavor reminds me of when I was a kid experimenting with chewing Skoal. I think it tastes just like it, but that's off 30 year old memories :). Really good, nice tobacco flavor with the mint. The can I got was drier than I think it should have been (e.g. stale), however I also tested some other Skruf flavors and they were more moist. I think this can may have been out without refrigeration. I will be getting a roll of this on my next order.
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