The Moose West Coast Classic

White Portion
The Moose West Coast Classic
1 Can for:
1 Roll for: $36.90

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Availability: In Stock

Model: White Portion

Weight / Net weight: 38.00 g / 16.00 g

Strength: 12 mg/g

The Moose West Coast Classic is a tobacco-orientated snus but it has a slightly sweeter tone than its Gotland Classic counterpart. Juniper berries have also been included, but traditional snus lovers will still be able to taste a classic flavor. As with most other products in The Moose’s line, it has 12mg/g of nicotine, giving an intermediate strength level that will suit most users.

This is a white portion, meaning that the moisture content is lower than original pouches, which makes the sachet drier. This results in a product that lasts longer because nicotine, tobacco, and flavor are released over a greater duration of time. This is a large pouch, weighing 0.8g per sachet, so it is fairly plump when placed under the lip.

There are six different flavors in The Moose’s snus arsenal. Others include the Arctic Super Strong, which has 30mg/g, the Major Mint, the Major Wintergreen, the Canadian Cherry, the Gotland Classic, and this one.

Declaration of content
Tobacco, Water, Flavor Enhancer (Table Salt), Acidity Regulator, (E500), Humectant (E1520), Aroma

1 Review(s)
Jong Hyun Bae
June 18, 2021
Tiny disappointment
Not perforated simple snus, if you wanna use 'the pouch', do regular white
March 31, 2020
Really great taste
I am a fan of the entire Lundgren line. All three of them have a place in the rotation. I would highly recommend this product because it is absolutely delicious for the price point.
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