XR Stone Fruit Slim White Strong

Slim White Portion
XR Stone Fruit Slim White Strong
  • XR Stone Fruit Slim White Strong
  • XR Stone Fruit Slim White Strong Front
Temporarily out of stock
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Availability: Out of Stock

Manufacturer: Swedish Match

Model: Slim White Portion

Weight / Net weight: 35.00 g / 16.00 g

Strength: 14 mg/g

XR Stone Fruit Strong is a snus for those who like an intricate tasting experience. With a subtle tobacco character, clear notes of peach, herbal tea, and bergamot accompany it, creating this complex and well-balanced flavor profile. This strong snus contains 14 mg/g of nicotine, perfect for the experienced user wanting an invigorating effect.

The format for this snus is slim white. The portions are long and narrow, allowing for a comfortable fit under the lip. Moreover, the pouches are dry, enabling a longer-lasting nicotine and flavor release without the drip you associate with snus.

XR was launched in 2015 by Swedish Match and has been enjoyed ever since. With many different tasting experiences, formats, and nicotine strengths released since, there are plenty more great snus in the XR range for you to try.

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