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How to Use Lös Snus Without Mudslides

By Evan 3 years ago No comments
 How to Use Lös Snus Without Mudslides

Lös, or loose snus, is the original form of Swedish snus. It is un-portioned and has a clay-like consistency, so, to use it, you must portion it or ‘hand bake’ it yourself. While this task may be easy for some, it can be difficult for others to master, especially those without much experience. One of the most common outcomes of a lack of experience using this type of snus is getting tobacco all over your front teeth, otherwise known as the dreaded ‘mudslide.’ When a mudslide occurs, it isn’t pretty, so if you struggle with it, you likely want to find a way to avoid it. The good news is that we can help! In this article, we cover three lös methods that you can use to keep the mess to a minimum. Keep reading to find out how.

Why Do Lös Mudslides Happen?

You’ve just tucked a nice-looking prilla of loose snus under your lip and are enjoying the near-immediate flavor and nicotine release. All is good until you notice a little too much flavor, and eventually, it starts to crumble. What was a satisfying and delicious experience just moments before has now turned into a messy affair, and your front teeth are all brown. But why? Since your prilla doesn’t have a material wrapper like its portion snus counterpart, there is nothing to hold it together when it becomes moist. It can break apart for two reasons, one being poor placement and the other being poor baking.

If you place your prilla too far toward the back of your mouth, it will be too close to your salivary glands, which causes excess salivation. Too much saliva = too much moisture, and too much moisture = a broken prilla! If placement isn’t the issue, then how you have baked it likely is. We’ll go through how you can ensure a proper bake in the section below.

How to Avoid Mudslides: 3 Tips and Tricks

Getting lös to work for you is simple once you know how. It will take some practice, but using the three tips and tricks below will make you a pro snuser in no time. Let’s get into it:

  1. Compress the prilla as much as possible: Compressing a prilla can result in moisture and flavor loss, which is why many experienced users opt for a farmer's pinch or a loose bake. However, if you are struggling with mudslides, compressing and compacting it as much as possible is one of the best things you can do, as you will ensure that it retains its shape and is less likely to break. You can use your index finger and thumb and press the tobacco against the palm of your hand or simply squeeze it using your fingers. An alternative method that is a surefire way to a solid, compact prilla is to use a tool. We recommend the Prismaster, as it does everything for you.
  2. Position it towards the center: Once you are happy with the shape, size, and consistency of your prilla, it is time to place it under your lip. While it may be tempting to put it on the left or right side to be as discreet as possible, you should avoid doing so if you want it to stay together. Going for a more central position, ever so slightly to one side of the middle of your upper mouth, is the best, as it will be as far as possible from your salivary glands and more likely to stay dry and intact.
  3. Don’t move it once it is under your lip: At this stage, your prilla will be tightly baked and in the perfect position for a mudslide-free session - but only if you leave it alone! Prodding it with your tongue, moving your lip to mold it, and pressing it with your finger may all seem like a good idea, but the truth is that from a mess perspective, it will do more harm than good. Once it is there, let it sit and enjoy the flavor and nicotine.

The Best Lös Products for Minimal Mess

Using the correct technique is a big part of avoiding mess, but picking a product that is less likely to cause it in the first place will help, too. Below are three fan favorite loose snus products for an easy, clean, and hassle-free experience:

Skruf Strong Loose - “Next-level loose: This is the most well-behaved loose I've used so far. It bakes easy as canned biscuits. Once in the lip, it stays in place and absorbs moisture until it forms this amorphous, but coherent, blob that doesn't run, doesn't move around and comes out relatively easily.” - Sausage.

Röda Lacket loose - “Absolutely the best: This is the best lös snus, in my opinion. Balanced, rich and wonderful tobacco with hints of raisens and cocoa, much like Sweet Virginia. Such a fine grind, ANYONE can bake with it. All around THE BEST.” - Ernest.

Göteborgs Prima Fint - Best of the best loose snus: Fantastic grind. Great grind, easy to make your perfect prilla. It sits comfortably, and I've yet to have any slides. This snus is perfectly balanced. Tons of flavor but mild. A pinch of heat, but no burn. Highly recommend.” - Justin.

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